"I can’t understand it" declared one of the attendants in exasperation. "We have so many doctors here yet no one seems to be able to do anything helpful."In great pain, Satan said, "What do you expect? That is precisely why these doctors are in hell. They did nothing on earth but make people suffer. Worst of all, they overcharged their patients.""So what can we do?" the attendant asked in a solicitous tone. "The doctors in heaven don’t want to come to hell because of the heat.""I believe nothing can be done in hell or heaven," replied Satan in a resigned voice. "But we can import a doctor from earth. Why don’t you go up to the land of the living and recruit a good physician. Then my illness can be cured."
"How do I go about the selection of the right doctor?" inquired the attendant."Easy," answered Satan as though already getting better just with the prospect of a good physician.Just visit as many candidates. There will be spirits of the dead hovering by the doors of their houses. Being a devil yourself, you can see the spirits. Count them because each spirit of the dead represents a mishandled patient. Select the one with the least number of spirits."
"I got you, Satan, but do I recruit immediately?" commented the attendant ready to depart."Not too fast," Satan said as he cringed in pain. "At least talk to the prospective choice before formalizing the agreement."
With that the devil attendant climbed up to earth.For several days, he visited every practicing doctor systematically. The number of spirits hovering by the doors varied greatly. Ranging from several hundreds to a thousand.
After a week, the devil had identified a dozen with no more than ten spirits of the dead. Still he persisted for he aimed to locate a doctor with just a few spirits roaming by the door.Finally, there was a doctor’shouse with just two spirits hovering by the entrance. "That’s the doctor for Satan!" the devil exclaimed.Immediately, he talked to the youngest doctor. "Would you be willing to treat Satan in hell?"The doctor seemed not to mind and was game to go to hell. "No problem. I am bound by my Hippocratic Oath to minister to anyone and anywhere."
"Good," responded the devil attendant with keen pleasure. "By the way, when did you graduate from medical school?" Simply, the doctor answered, "Only yesterday
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